
  • Who i am? my digital researcher profile(s)

    31 août 2019 par

    I received my PhD in Earth Sciences in 2006 from Université de Rennes 1 (France). I am now an associate professor of geochemistry at UniLaSalle, Beauvais (France) and co-head of the research group AGHYLE (Agroecology and Hydrogeochemistry). In 2013, i received my Habilitation in Earth Sciences from Université Picardie Jules Verne (France). I am a… Lire la suite

  • Ten years of research on the effects of rare earth elements on plant growth and nutrient acquisition strategies

    5 avril 2024 par

    Olivier Pourret (04/05/2024) Ten years ago, I started working on Rare Earth Elements (REEs) and plants, here is a lay summary of my major results. Understanding the Impact of REE on Plant Growth Rare earth elements are chemical elements that naturally occur in soils and are important for various industrial applications. However, their effects on… Lire la suite

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